Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Finally Passed

Today I finally passed my polygraph test. I had to go through a background check and then I was given an informal job offer and then the dreaded "lie detector" test. I was to have my drug test this morning and then the test in the afternoon. I made sure that I did not drink myself into a coma last night. I woke up on time and made it to the police department on time. I was escorted over to the city nurse. She was extremely busy today. At least that is what she said when she kept me waiting for an hour and a half. I had to have a mini-physical, that included a drug test, vision test and hearing test. I passed all of them...I studied last night! I had planned to go shopping for some new pants, but then I didn't have enough time to go the mall that I wanted to go to. I ended up looking around one of the closer malls, but I did not find anything. I have learned that I don't like shopping alone. I will write a post on that subject another day. I met with the detective that was giving the polygraph test and he explained it in detail. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Anyways....I start on Monday. I will keep you updated on my new career path as my journey continues...


Sally said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you can create us your own version of Cops!! =)

Elyce said...

Great idea, Sally! I can't wait to hear about all the juicy stuff with the trademark NC sarcasm. Do you have to buy a bunch of work clothes, or do you have a uniform at all?

Sally said...

Today's your first day!! Good luck...can't wait to hear all about it!

Elyce said...

I guess your first day is probably over, now. How was it? First days suck usually. All that nervousness and not knowing any of the right answers. Just heave a big sigh and think of the day when you will know it all. Cuz that's what we are, right? You, me, and Sally- three big Know It Alls.

Sally said...

Yeah baby! We know it ALL!