Sunday, March 4, 2007

Am I Crazy?

Today my step daughter, let's call her princess, really tested my nerves. For her past birthday she received a bracelet from a friend that lives out of state. She had the bracelet for a few hours and I found it lying on the floor, just tossed aside. I was pissed, she does not appreciate anything. So, I being the great "pot stirrer" picked the bracelet up and waited to see if it would be missed. I waited until her dad got home and still nothing, then her aunt came over for a visit, so I asked her to show the new bobble to her aunt. Did she gasp or show any emotion as to the loss of her precious gift? No, she just looked at the floor where she had tossed the gift hours before. It just blows my mind that she does not respect anything. She had the gall to say to me, and I quote, "why are you making such a big deal about it." I just about lost it. What do I tell this lost young lady????

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