Monday, August 6, 2007

The Red Velvet Cake

Yesterday I had the day off. I went to Costco in the morning and then trekked all the Costco purchases up to the second floor. I then put everything away, made lunch, picked up two kids from the relative's house, made another list for Wal Mart, spent an hour plus in Wal Mart, made dinner, cleaned up dinner, made a red velvet cake, made lunch for today for everyone. The red velvet cake was for some of the guys on my hubby's crew. I sent about half the cake and we all had a small piece for desert. I had a quite large chunk left for tonight. Today I worked all day and then had to go sign some papers after work. I got home a little after 7pm. I was going to make dinner and then enjoy a large slice of heaven. As I glided by the counter I stopped in my tracks...could my tired eyes be deceiving me? It could not be...nobody could be that stupid to lick all the frosting off the prized red velvet cake. This was no box cake. This was a made from scratch frosting included cake. I could not believe my eyes. I called, ok I screamed, for all three kids to get into the kitchen pronto. Kaitlyn gave Nicholas this look like now we're caught. I smelled a big rat. To make a long story short all three got spanked before anyone confessed. Nicholas finally said he took one little lick off the top. I was furious. The whole thing was ruined because as he said it tasted good. So sadly..the cake had to go! Hopefully tomorrow will not end on the same note.


Elyce said...

I cannot believe that!!! Nothing is worse than a thwarted craving. That cake sounds soooo good. Torture.

Sally said...

3 kids...does that mean that your kid is back? How was the trip? velvet mouth is watering now.